Everyone Deserves Affordable, Accessible, Comprehensive Health Insurance
You did everything “right.” You ate right, you didn’t smoke, you exercised, you did all your age-appropriate screenings, and you have always bought good health insurance, just in case.
And suddenly you are facing a life threatening diagnosis such as stage IV cancer, like I did.
As you battle the biggest fight anyone can face, so many thoughts keep pounding through your brain. Am I going to die, is certainly in the top 10. But one of the most terrifying thoughts you have is “what if this bankrupts my family.” And as insurance denial after denial begins to appear, the thought is you could do everything the doctors recommend, that this could very well bankrupt your family and you could still die anyway.
Healthcare and health insurance are incredibly complicated subjects. But when you need every ounce of physical and mental strength to fight for your life, you shouldn’t have to fight for the care you need to live.
Everyone deserves affordable, accessible and comprehensive health insurance.